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- Create Date 16 de September de 2022
- Last Updated 16 de September de 2022
SPHERE - Newsletter #003
All the work carried out recently can be seen in the newsletter #3
Now that our project is near the end, we have completed what we set to achieve: tools have been implemented in the four pilot sites and the platform is up and running.
This last year advances in the pilots have shown the convenience of adoption the Digital Twin concept and the use of the SPHERE tools in the construction and renovation sector. The validation of both can be considered as a success and a big leap for the AECCO sector.
Showcasing the tools and the Digital Twin concept has also been a priority attending public events and doing a good job disseminating results through scientific publications too. These publications can be downloaded from the SPHERE website.
Joining forces with the Building Digital Twin Association has already proved very productive, and it is one of the legacies SPHERE leaves to the future.