Sister projects
Know our sister projects!
We are very proud of our sister projects!! A short description of each of them follows as we are sure there can be plenty of interesting information to draw from these project efforts.

Building Information Modelling based tools & technologies for fast and efficient RENovation of residential buildings
BIM4REN is a H2020 funded project involving 23 partners spread across 10 countries for a 4-year long series of developments on the topic of the exploitation of Building Information Modelling potential for the energy renovation of existing residential buildings. The objective is to introduce state-of-the-art and easy-to-use BIM tools and services in a single platform accessible to all construction professionals in order to increase renovation projects and improve collaboration across the whole construction value chain.

BIM-based holistic tools for Energy-driven Renovation of existing Residences
BIMERR is a HORIZON 2020 funded project related to the Building Information Modelling (BIM) that has developed an extensive toolset targeting stakeholders from the AEC field (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) and supporting them in the energy renovation of existing buildings, from concept to delivery. All tools are interoperable through semantic information search & retrieval by the core of the BIMERR ICT system, namely the BIMERR Interoperability Framework (BIF) which also enforces interoperability with third party ICT tools enabling seamless BIM creation and information exchange among the AEC community. All BIMERR tools have released advanced versions and will be validated and demonstrated over the next year in two buildings undergoing real renovation activities in Poland and Spain.

BIM based fast toolkit for Efficient rEnovation in Buildings
BIM4EEB aims to foster the renovation industry by developing an attractive and powerful BIM management system with BIM-based toolset able to support designers in the design and planning phase, construction companies to efficiently carry out the work and service companies to provide attractive solutions for building retrofitting. The BIM management system combined with the tools facilitates the decision making and the asset management for public and private owners due to the exploitation of augmented reality and the use of updated digital logbooks.

Harmonised Building Information Speedway for Energy-Efficient Renovation
The Horizon2020 project BIM-SPEED aims to address the fact that most of the existing building stock has reached the age for renovation by developing a combination of methodologies and tools with one central information source at its core: the Building Information Model (BIM), a digital representation of a building. Additionally, society is becoming more and more aware of the negative environmental impact of our living environments. This model will be the catalyst for a smarter, more efficient, method of deep renovation for the residential building sector.

ENergy aware BIM Cloud Platform in a COst-effective Building REnovation Context
The main objective of ENCORE is to increase the share of renovated stock in Europe and worldwide by providing effective and affordable BIM tools that cover the whole renovation life-cycle (from data collection to project execution, and commissioning/delivery). The project tackles energy efficiency and comfort parameters, involving all the actors in the process (architecture studios, designers, constructors, tenants, or public administration), and facilitating information exchange among all the parties.

Digital platform for construction in Europe
DigiPLACE is a framework helping the development of future digital platforms as common ecosystems of digital services that support innovation, commerce, and digitalization. The DigiPLACE project outcome is also a strategic roadmap that aims at the successful implementation of the RAF. This document sets the scope and targets of future activities to be undertaken in the 2021-2027 period. This aims at making the upscaling of construction digital platforms and services a reality by the end of this decade, together with the ambition of linking EU, national, regional levels.