The SPHERE consortium got together from November 11th to 13th at Empresarios Agrupados premises in Madrid.
Several discussion points were addressed during this three-day meeting regarding the approach to be taken for PaaS Architecture and Services/Tools integration, the Digital Twin updating and demonstration. There were also very interesting talks on platform requirements and KPIs definitions, how will we route the design of data and ICT architecture for Digital Twin implementation and lastly the views on design, construction and operation tools development and interaction.

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It was also apparent that there’s a list of existing as well as potential KPIs, aiming at the results expected from the different SPHERE tools/services and their complementarity between themselves. One key challenge is how we will integrate different tool/service interfaces into the SPHERE Platform.
What will and must be done in the next six months period was established at the end of the meeting.

On the last day of the meeting, we were visited by an external expert that was very helpful in providing us with feedback, guide, and ideas for the improvement of the work ahead. We were very grateful for her recommendations and general insight.