The first edition of Building Digital Twin International Congress-BDTIC took place on May 27th, 2021 as a benchmark in terms of the application of digital twin technologies for construction, industrialization, sustainability, and asset management. Adopting a three-dimensional digital model as the basis for data compilation and communication is a first step to contribute to decarbonization and green energy promotion in the construction sector. This first International Congress has been organized by the Building Digital Twin Association, created under the scope of the SPHERE project.
The congress was attended by more than 500 participants and involved the presence of professionals and researchers from 46 different countries (top 5 countries: Spain, UK, Italy, India and Brazil).

Digitization has conquered all areas of our society. The AECOO –Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operation, Owners – sector must embrace a new scenario that provides more efficiency, productivity and cost optimization. New roles and processes for implementing building digital twins are on their way as a BIM model is different from a Digital Twin, but a BIM model must be adapted to be used as Digital Twin.

As a very executive programme, these 17 speakers generated new knowledge about Building Digital Twin. The collaboration of world experts, who offered never-before-seen presentations on the situation of Building Digital Twin from NASA till the more advanced on-going European projects participated in the two sessions and the two keynote lectures. All presentations provided a wide, interesting and dynamic high-level seminar.
The event turned out to be a great success for the professionals and researchers of the community and we are looking forward to the next one!