Last April 16th and 17th , the SPHERE consortium flew north to a surprisingly sunny Helsinki to hold their second general assembly. The meeting was organized by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in their premises located in Espoo, who also put together a great social dinner for all partners at Radisson Blu Hotel Espoo.
During this fruitful two-day meeting, significant progress was made regarding the core technology work packages, on pilot design and coordination work packages. Highlights included reviewing the advances made regarding the ontology linked to WP2, reviewing the results of the first two stakeholder workshops held by VTT and TNO and a very interesting presentation on Thermal Dummys.
Additionally, two workshops where imparted to all partners. The first one, organised by Ekodenge, focused on WP2, had the objective of helping establish end-users needs for the platform. The partners divided in four focus groups made up by a mix of partners from pilot sites and core technology developers to lay-out their most relevant needs and issues based on their experience. The second workshop was organized by R2M and focused on Data Management guidelines and allowed partners to review in real time their data sets to help put together a first version of the project’s Data Management Plan.
The meeting ended having established clear goals for the next 6 months and looking forward to the work ahead.