Last week on Thursday, September 8th, in Nice, and under the umbrella of Sustainable places 2022 the Workshop entitled: “Building Digital Twin Simulation” took place in a hybrid mode.
A future building must be fully aware of its functionality, its energy efficiency, but it should not only be limited to the building itself. Humans and external circumstances (weather conditions, for example) must define how the building can respond (regarding health, comfort, and sustainability).
That is why the Building Digital Association has a simulation working group that promotes various simulation standards and SIMBOTS for use in digital twins of buildings and infrastructure. These standards are needed to get better interoperability between software platforms and to reduce the cost of the implementation. Mathematical Simulation is oriented to real-time and software in the loop, but it can be used for all the phases of the building: design, commissioning or life cycle exploitation.

These standards are not only crucial to make it possible but to make it cost-effective and reliable. Software manufacturers must join forces with manufacturers to integrate all these new technologies in economic time. This technology was proved in aeronautics, space, or automotive, but it adapts to the construction scenarios at all phases of the building (design, commissioning, or life cycle operation).
SPHERE has participated in this workshop: “Simulation for real time/AI enabled by Building Digital Twins Environments” and is aware of the need to join forces to make simulation standards a reality.

The session was chaired by Eduard Loscos as SPHERE coordinator and president of the BDTA.
You can see the presentations and the workshop session here: BDT Simulation – Sustainable Places (SP)