From November 9th to 11th, partners gathered virtually for the 4th global meeting of the SPHERE project.
The event was full of discussions and workshops concentrating on the SPHERE tools, user interfaces, blockchain and predictive maintenance algorithms and workflows that are helping shape our Digital-Twin platform. The agenda for the first day included a Building Digital Twin Association (BDTA) General Assembly, where the President, Mr. Eduard Loscos, presented the BDTA statutes and Board decisions, as well as the work done so far. He also exposed the tentative strategic roadmap.
Project partners discussed the progress related to the development of the design and construction-stage tools and the in-use phase tools, and their integration within the SPHERE platform. The demonstration work package plays a key role from now on, as we will be able to test and validate the SPHERE platform, and its integrated tools, in the four demo-sites.
A first version of the SPHERE Digital Twin Ecosystem was already shown during the first day, where we could see tools and services developed by our technical partners (energy-related, circular economy, predictive maintenance, etc.).
Although proven progress has been made up until now, the next six months will be very busy indeed!